Introducing a totally different way to create key messages for change.
The answer is in the room.
Although communication is always one of the top three reasons change initiatives fail, it’s usually the task left to the end of the process, when time is running out.
Also, the key messages are typically created by people who are really great at understanding change. But not necessarily great at writing copy.
So, it’s hardly surprising that the results aren’t perfect.
I’m an ex-advertising copywriter and creative director. And, for the last 15 years, I’ve been running a unique workshop in which key messages for change are developed on the spot, at the flip chart.
Instead of briefing out the messages to a consultancy and waiting for various drafts to pass your desk, we get a small team of your subject matter experts in a room with me.
The workshop is called OneSentence and it has been experienced by clients all over the world to develop change messages, successfully and rapidly.
Some of the clients who’ve enjoyed clarity from me in recent times: